This creativity exercise can help you think more clearly and be less irritated.
It can help you to find your center of peace and be fully in the present moment.
It is an easy and completely free way to stop mind looping, that state of going over and over worries and “If only’s” that can drag us down.
I use it all the time and it has changed my life. I worry less, let go of frustrations more quickly and find greater joy in life.
Ready to try it?
Here goes.
Did you know that you can only think one thought at a time? Try it.
Think about something that makes you angry. Got it in your mind? Now think of all of the things you ate yesterday.
Try thinking about what makes you angry and listing all the things you ate. Can you do both at the same time?
That’s right, you can only think of one thing at a time.
There is a more enjoyable way and that is focusing on the COLORS in your world. Not only does it keep you in the present moment, it can stimulate your creativity and your sense of joy.
Step one: Select a color your want to observe. I have chosen the color yellow for this post. I have done it with every color at different times over the years and have found it effective no matter the color.
Try thinking of something that worries you while counting the objects that have yellow in them. What happens?
Go back to counting the yellow. Count only the objects that have more yellow than the size of your hand. Take time to look at the yellows with appreciation.

Step three: Try another way of observing the color. Some other ways of intentionally observing and focusing on color include:
1. Observe the shades of yellow. Rank them from darkest to lightest.
2. Stand close to the brightest version of the color you have chosen and then move to the next brightest and then the next. Notice how the color changes in the light as you move about the area.
3. Rank the examples of the color you have chosen according to how much space they take up.
5. Collect paper paint chips from a paint store. Match the paint chips to the varying shades of the color you are observing.
6. Keep a box of crayons and a pad of paper with you. Blend the colors on the paper, trying to match the shades of the color you have selected to observe.
8. Go to a restaurant, food stall or grocery store. Find all the food and food service objects that have the color you chose to observe.
Take time to enjoy the scents and colors. Taste some of the food and observe how the color of the food effects your pleasure in eating the food.

9. If you are visiting a temple, church or other place where religious objects are displayed, note how the color you have selected is used. How does that color affect your mood?
10. Observe yourself observing color. Note how your emotions and thoughts change as you focus intentionally on color.
You might try rating your level of awareness or calmness as you focus on color for extended periods of time. Are you able to put aside frustrated thoughts when you rate or count colors? Which color seems to delight or calm you?
The mind and the soul need rest and breaks especially when under stress. The color exercise can be used anywhere and at any time to bring you into the present moment or to give you a color break.
Friends have shared that they do the color exercises when they have difficult decisions to make and have become caught up in worry.
Others have counted or compared colors when their thinking was stuck in patterns of guilt or depression.
Parents who needed a break to calm themselves found the color exercise was a quick way to “cool it” and increase patience.

You don’t need to wait for problems to occur to use this exercise. It is a beautiful and colorful world out there. Enjoy taking the time to intentional observe the colors of your world.
Have fun with color.
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