Traveling the roads of the ancients – part one

The colors of the shrubs will soon turn green
The colors of the shrubs will soon turn green

Today my husband Ray and I began a journey of discovery. I invite you to join me on this cross country journey through the lands of the ancients.

FEBRUARY 12, 2016 The roads ahead will take us to the places of the ancients – the Anasazi, the Hopis, the Navajo and more. Their tribes are more familiar than the Klamath people whose lands we passed through today.

Yet it is the Klamath people and their homelands that are the perfect beginning for this journey. This land speaks to me. It is a vast land where the Klamath people once roamed as far back as 14,000 years ago.

It is a place of four seasons and of nature in balance.

The trees are beautiful in all seasons
The trees are beautiful in all seasons
The alders here are as beautiful in winter as in summer. I do not ache for spring for this moment, these trees are perfect just as they are.

Earth, sky, water in balance
Earth, sky, water in balance
The land is graced by lakes and rivers that reflect the sky and the trees. It is a picture of peace and clarity.

The fields of snow stretch far to the horizon
The fields of snow stretched far to the horizon
It is a land of infinite variety. The vista changes as the miles pass. I gazed on golden fields where cattle and horses grazed and then just a few miles further I was greeted by high snow-covered plateaus.

I stood by the fields of snow and sighed
I stood by the fields of snow and sighed
The fields of snow soon will be covered with wildflowers, but I like the purity and openness of winter.

The road to Lakeview, Oregon took us to 4800 feet elevation
The road to Lakeview, Oregon took us to 4800 feet elevation
We ended our travels today in Lakeview Oregon. At almost 5000 feet elevation the air was cool and the sun was bright.

This has been a day of simplicity. I felt a part of the land, not the owner or the creator of it.

I felt blessed to have seen the earth and sky. I know I have a debt to the earth and am bound to honor and cherish it.

I am reminded of a saying by Chief Seattle.
” Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.”
– Chief Seattle, Duwamish (1780-1866)

To be continued as we travel through the southwest of the United States

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