The Power of Human Connection

This post is in honor of those people in our lives who by being there with a smile, a word of comfort or the patience to listen, have changed us forever.

oh no

I imagine all of us have had moments and maybe hours when the world looks bleak. Yes?

problem after problemMaybe it is a series of small challenges. One or two we can handle. Then they pile up and we feel exhausted. Have you ever felt that way?

This week has been one of those weeks when I have been tested. It all started out quite simply.
oh darn
I lost one of my car keys. Do you know how much those new fangled electronic car keys cost? I managed that one though; ordered a new one, choking a little on the cost.

sorrow and worry Then the Stouts Fire started and my world was fire and smoke and making decisions about what to pack. I am handling that one. The fire crews made that possible with their generosity and skill. My hubby Ray and sons have been a source of comfort too.

But then August 8th crept closer. August 8th is the anniversary of when my dad died in 1986 and when my first husband Bruce was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2004. He died 10 months later.

Poignant memories of past losses got jumbled up with current challenges. I felt like a swirling mix of grief, uncertainty, anxiety, humble appreciation, awe and a little “ticked off” at car key costs. I was at the edge of “too much.”

joy returns

Then my cell phone chimed telling me I had new messages on facebook. I opened it up to find several tender notes from people I had never met. Their connection with me brought me back to peace and joy.

I have watched many people connect with others, sharing a moment of gentle caring. Maybe it is a checker at Safeway or people passing each other with a smile. Those brief moments of connection allow us, allow me, to take a deep breath and once again face life with peace and joy.

I made this video with some more of my art to thank you for connecting with me and with the people in your lives. You make a difference.

(c)shaun brink 2015
all rights are the property of shaun brink
contact Shaun directly if you wish to copy or use any sections or photos in this blog

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