A Beautiful Day – part one

I draw out my emotions – joy, sorrow, happiness, loss, excitement. I literally draw them out on to paper, feeling relief and glee from the fun of drawing.

This story I began drawing when I found out my first husband had a terminal brain tumor. I finished it after one of my sons was killed.

It is not a story of sadness and loss but of the joy that comes with the new day. Life does go on and beauty awaits us with the rising sun.

(C)SBRINK 2015

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Yesterday was a rotten day.

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My whole world felt off balance
and scary
and unpredictable.

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My head ached.

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My stomach was tied in knots.

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My back hurt.

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I felt rotten all over.

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To top it off, I was filled with so many emotions . . .

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that I thought my heart would break in two.

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I tried to be tough and strong but it didn’t work.

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I tried to figure things out, but nothing made sense.

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I put on a pretty dress but didn’t feel pretty inside.

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I fixed my hair with a new hair band but still felt like a mess.

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So I pretended nothing bothered me.

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I pretended I had attitude.

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I even tried to act carefree.

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But the truth was . . .
I did care
and I was sad
and I was mad
and I was bewildered
and I felt weak and tired and small.

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Have you ever had a day like that?

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Then this morning I woke up and saw a new day.

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I was filled with hope.

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I remembered what you told me . . . I was not alone.

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There were lots of people looking out for me.

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They were there for me even when I was not very lovable.

TO BE CONTINUED click here for part two of A Beautiful Day

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(c)shaun brink 2015
all rights reserved

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